At JDstaircases we only use timber that has been sourced through the FSC -Forestry Stewardship Council - which means you can rest assured that your staircase has been manufactured with timber that can be traced back to the ethically managed forest that it came from.
We are not talking about rogue loggers cutting down specimen trees and despoiling vast areas of irreplaceable rainforest.
The vast majority of our timber comes from long-standing European commercial plantations.
That includes hardwoods, Oak, Ash, and Beech.
The tree you see in the picture below is an ancient beech tree and it would be of no use in many types of commercial production. Manufacturers require long straight planks and you would not get many from a tree like this.

So rest assured
your staircase is not ruining the environment. In many commercial forests, the owners are planting, year on year, far more trees than they are cutting down in order to ensure a continual supply of material.